Saturday, August 31, 2019

PSTD And The Effects It Causes

The psychological wounds of war present a situation where individuals are often mimes forgotten, unaddressed, and underrepresented-especially those who are suffering from the postgraduates stress syndrome, they are also struggling with the transition back to normal life and work. Literature Review: EST. Defined. Examining the impact of military trauma on a veteran's life remains in an infant stage with respect to knowing all that must garnered (Stutter, 1995). Accountability, sustainability, and treatment are far from being complete.Not only do diagnostic and treatment paradigms need to be made available to those veterans who suffer from PITS, but a support system must be identified and structured to as well. Family and friends have to learn that they must be proactive in their understanding and support of the military veteran who have been diagnosed with PITS disorder. Notwithstanding the fact that people who have been in military combat and suffer from PITS, there has been reported a direct relationship between the disorder and negative physical health as well such as non-specific EACH abnormalities and theoretically defects and infarction's. Jackson's, 2004). Although not extensively researched there are indications that PITS is related to some gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal dysfunctions as well. However, the psychological factors resulting from PITS has been researched more extensively and several treatments modalities have been used. These treatment methods include, but not limited to, cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychodrama therapy, group therapy, spectrographically therapy, as well as several experimental approaches utilizing seniority and Asian approaches. Dietrich, et al, 2000). Regardless of the treatment program employed to treat people with PITS all must concentrate of the protective factors surrounding the veteran, namely, the individual his or herself, the family, and friends or peers. As stated in Chapter 1 of Comers book entitled Fundame ntals of Abnormal Psychology (2005), the road to better mental health for individuals suffering from any abnormal disorder rests with the community-based interventions and short-term therapy.With respect to the PITS veteran what is at stake is to increase self-esteem, self-efficacy and those skills needed to cope with stress brought about by PITS via therapeutic intervention that is community related (support) and short-term goal oriented. The therapies generally used, according to Comer (Chapter 5) are usually multi-modal to include a combination of medication, psychotherapy, ND cognitive-behavioral intervention. As said earlier some Asian and sensory-motor therapies are used as well.In order to accomplish this goal the individual must attempt to reestablish bonds of trust with family members, increase communication abilities, and begin to strengthen ties with peers and friends in pro-social activities and those involving the re-establishment trust and intimacy. Without a great dea l of attention given to these protective features the risk factors for continued or strengthening of EST. is greatly increased. Those risk factors include, but are not limited to, continued excessive and realistic fears, social isolationism, family conflict, avoiding coping style, and interpersonal discord.Whether or not an untreated stress disorder can and will lead to a more debilitating disorder such as schizophrenia (Chapter 12) has not been researched to the point wherein definite conclusions can be drawn. As such those individuals who have been diagnosed as PITS patients, but not treated, with respect to military combat service need to be re-evaluated to determine the possibility of having a much more serious disorder. As PITS is a relatively new diagnostic category for theAmerican Psychiatric Association, and for all those involved the diagnosis and treatment of the disorder, a great deal more investigative research must be conducted to determine its long-term effects on the individual, on society, and even on the country political and economic balance. What is the alarming fact that knowing EST. does indeed exist the research annals are void of cited programs used to prevent PITS in military, or any other high risk occupation. It is one thing to diagnose and treat a disorder, yet another to install preventative measures to deal with situations that can lead to PITS.In edition, a literature review failed to locate any supportive materials as to how the government will deal with those returned military service people who will capitulate, involuntarily to PITS. What is desperately needed is a before and after military service program that focuses on strategies to assist military personnel to adjust to a new environment (I. E. Combat) as well as to re-adjust to a returning home environment. Such programs would have the crux of their efforts facilitative and proactive approaches that assist the person with a range of personal and relationship issues.In addi tion for those military response re-locating to foreign bases should be involved in multicultural professional workshops and culturally sensitive caregivers should contact these workshops and preventative treatment programs. This is especially true for those people who are now serving in Iraq and other combat active regions. From involvement in Vietnam some 30 years ago our society has fallen short in supporting those who risk their lives for our nation's well-being.Attempting to shed light on a disorder that has political, psychological, and sociological components is not an easy task. Isolating each area is arduous hen attempting to look at only one Of the aforementioned variables with reference to PITS in veterans-male and female alike. There is even research to suggest that PITS is a very real veteran disorder, all efforts should ensure to treat not only those who have served their country but plan and implement strategic initiatives on a preventative basis.For those individuals serving in Iraq the need for mental health support before entering the combat theater and while in combat is a move we cannot afford not to take. A war that has touted to be over in a few months has now dragged on for overall years and longer. As a result the cultural sensitivity initiatives before and after entering a foreign country must somehow be integrated into the war theater on a preemptive move. In other words, plan now or pay later.These EST. veterans also have to learn how to live back in society and handle work day to day. With only about half of veterans suffering from PITS seeking treatment (Tangential & Jaycee, n. D. ), transitioning back to everyday life can be difficult for returning soldiers in a variety of ways, including the workforce. There are a multitude of conditions that can arise from PITS that make rotational employment more difficult for a veteran suffering from PITS.Researchers name some of the issues as memory loss, lack of concentration, stress (which can incorporate or be separate from panic attacks, flashbacks and emotional extremes), and inability to work well with supervisors or coworkers, and sensitivity to sounds and lights that can result in physical distress such as headaches (Babble 2012). All of these present challenges for employers, but can be managed as veterans look to adjust to a more traditional civilian life and work on managing their PITS symptoms with treatment.Memory loss is one of the main effects associated with PITS. Perhaps one of the key problems with this as it relates to traditional employment is that PITS does not only impact long-term memory, but can have an effect on a patient's day-to-day life. Researchers have found that memory loss' â€Å"effects on daily functioning and treatment are of primary concern†¦ And reduce the resources available to PITS patients when coping with life's demands† (Samuelsson, 2011, p. 351 ). This can impact employees from the moment they are hired throughout t he duration of their employment.Veterans suffering from PITS may struggle with training, as numbering what they have just learned may prove difficult, and may also have trouble in meetings, remembering tasks and assignments, and how to use equipment they are unfamiliar with. There are suggestions for employers on how to make such complications easier on the workers, including budgeting for more training, writing minutes from or tape recording meetings, posting written directions for complicated equipment and providing the employee with a task list that can be checked off.Much like memory loss, a lack of concentration can be extremely challenging for both an employer and the worker. A study out of Yale University found people who buffer from PITS tend to forget instructions even after hearing them multiple times, and typically are forgetful about where they have placed their possessions (Brenner, 2000). This can interfere with workplace tasks, especially in busy offices with potentia l distractions. To help combat the effects of lack of concentration for veterans with PITS, America's Heroes at Work, a division of the U. S.Department of Labor, suggests employers should aim to reduce as many possible distractions near the employee, by allowing sound machines or music, changing the lighting or creating a private workspace to keep the individual on task. While memory loss and lack of concentration are relatively similar in terms of their effects on veterans with PITS, there are several other symptoms that may be more difficult to help manage as an employer. Patients tend to suffer from stress as a result of p T SD, which can include flashbacks to the traumatic event or events that triggered the disorder.Researchers argue that six major factors can help veterans overcome, or at the very least manage, stress associated with the effects of PITS: practicing altruism, having a positive outlook, maintaining an active coping lifestyle, getting exercise, seeking support fro m friends and Emily, and being flexible in responses to negative situations (Hoagland, Cooper, Southwest, & Charley, 2007). Veterans suffering from PITS-induced stress may struggle as unforeseen daily problems arise on the job and could have a difficult time as new responsibilities are added.Stress could also play a role in absenteeism (Huge, Territorial, Castro, Messes & Engel, 2007) as veterans with PITS are not immune to experiencing triggers with their symptoms outside of their work environ meet that could have a secondary impact on work. Stress can also contribute to another common symptom of P T SD: recurring panic attacks. An employee may worry that these episodes will reflect negatively on them in the workplace; therefore, an employer would be best served by having a plan in place for handling this situation should it arise to help with the comfort of the veteran and other coworkers.Additionally, a respectful and solid relationship between an employee and a supervisor is oft en critical for a productive workplace, which can sometimes be affected by a veteran suffering from PITS. Not only is the veteran likely not used to the traditional structure of a work environment as compared to the ranks of the military, but other symptoms of P T SD can trigger a negative action in a potentially frustrated employee.For example, an employee suffering from PITS-induced memory loss who cannot perform a basic task that was explained to him or her earlier in the day may become overwhelmed or upset, and could lash out at or blame the supervisor, or having a generally negative reaction that could interfere with workplace morale and working relationships. Bosses are encouraged to make the transition easier on the worker by providing as much information in writing to serve as a reference as possible, and give positive reinforcement to the employee. Similarly, conflicts an arise between coworkers and veterans that may not occur between civilian employees.It is critical to un derstand what is causing the tension: it is coming from stress, memory loss, lack Of concentration or another possible symptom of PITS? Coworkers should all receive some form of training on disable ¶y' awareness to help them make the best decisions in a potentially uncomfortable situation. Employers can also help diffuse tension before it begins by accommodating the veteran's needs as best as possible, whether that be with a private workspace, allowing for music to be played during the day, or initiating techniques for managing stress. Finally, another key workplace concern for veterans with PITS is hypersensitivity.This is defined as being anxious around large crowds and unknown areas, startling easily, and being sensitive to lights and sound. These symptoms can trigger physical reactions in soldiers, from headaches and migraines to more severe responses like panic attacks. In the workplace, this can present problems for a veteran because there is a certain lack of control over t hings like lighting and noises. An employer can provide alternative lighting for a worker who may be sensitive to bright office lights, and can also help with private accommodations when possible.Coworkers should be sensitive to a veteran who may be prone to being startled when interrupted. Transitioning from life in a war zone to life in the civilian United States is likely difficult for all of the more-than two million men and women who have served overseas, but it can be made increasingly hard when adding PITS symptoms to the mix. With at least 20 percent of veterans reporting symptoms, it is paramount for employers to be aware of how to help manage a soldier's medical concerns in the workplace. Veterans with this disorder will add unique issues to a work environment likely not seen as frequently in civilian employees.Worries about transitioning well into an every-day job may even have the effect Of enhancing some PITS symptoms for certain veterans, depending on how they are affe cted by the disorder. Therefore, both veterans and employers should be responsible for having candid discussions regarding the patient's experiences with the disorder, and how the work environment is likely to impact symptoms, in order to give both the company and the veteran the best chance to succeed as the soldier embarks on a new life as a civilian in the United States. The impacts of war have proven their significance to our service men and women.

Friday, August 30, 2019

How I Will Save the Planet Essay

The problem of saving the planet is nowadays very urgent. Global warming, pollution of the great oceans – these things are undoubtedly influencing or lives and might erase us, human beings, from the surface of the earth. Totally. And very soon. Mother Nature cannot stand or our behavior anymore and now it is time for us to think about our future. All the processes which have been launched already of course cannot be reversed or even stooped, but we can and we must slow them down in order to spend a few more decades here, on the planet Earth. The problem is – even the majority is not enough to save the planet, only all together we can save ourselves. Yes, exactly â€Å"ourselves† but not â€Å"the planet†, because as George Carlin, a popular American comic says: â€Å"the planet is fine! † – It is more than 4,5 billiard years old and it would be strange if it might be destroyed by us, who appeared only about sixty thousand years ago. It is more likely that the planet will get rid of us and after a thousand or maybe a million years of tranquil rehabilitation, some new forms of life will appear. And the process as we can notice is going forward at a steady gait – last winter was extremely cold, and the summer was so hot that forests were totally burning out and harvests were negligibly small. And what is going to happen this winter? Will it be warm and snowless, or it will be minus sixty in the street and we will not be able even to go and by some bread? And next summer? It may be quite normal for our climatic zone and may be far more outstanding than previous one. The most horrifying fact is that weather patterns are becoming more and more unpredictable which endangers our existence here†¦ But that is enough for the preamble, now I am going to speak about what I will do to at least postpone the global catastrophe. First of all, let us think about the very phrase â€Å"to save the planet†. Of course, it does notconcern that you will invent time machine and go back to the past and kill the inventors of internal-combustion engine, oil extraction and aerosol. It also does not mean that you must join the Greenpeace Organization and picket in the streets with high-sounding banners in your hands. There are lots of tiny things, which compose the whole picture of ecology today and you can improve this picture by changing your lifestyle a little. I, for example, will never spoil much water while washing the dishes – I’ll go to the local store and get a plug for about one USD and it will make the water more clear, because small amounts of water are easier and cheaper to filtrate. Taking a shower I will switch it off when I am soaping myself – I really do not need it! I will go by foot instead of taking a bus or taxi, in cases when I’m not in a hurry. Actually I do need a car, but I will use ecologically friendly patrol as, for example, Pulsar fuel, which obeys EURO-4 ecological standard, instead of using ecologically hostile patrol. And if I have the money, I will by a hybrid car – actually what is bad about half an engine being electronic? I think it is very good! Unfortunately, I smoke. And I imagine how harmful it is both for my health and for the surrounding environment – not only cigarettes disperse hundreds of harmful gases and matters to the atmosphere, but also lighters emit gas and, being made of plastic, are also very hard to recycle. So I will soon try the new technology of electronic cigarettes – each of them can be used many times, they do not contain tars and other harmful matters and their smoke is actually a water steam, which doesn’t harm both your organism and the atmosphere. Actually, I can say that even now I am saving the planet – maybe I do one thousandth part of what I must do, but it is already better than nothing! All light bulbs in my house are energy saving. I also do not take plastic bags in supermarkets – I always carry everything in my bag. My mp3 player is accumulator-operated, so I do not use and throw out hundreds of batteries every year. I wash all my clothes only in the washing machine once a month, so I do not spoil much water on washing. I use roll-on deodorants instead of spraying ones – It is my tiny contribution into the protection of the ozone layer. I prefer cotton clothes, and do not often by synthetic things – maybe I do it for my own reasons, but it is in any case better than making Mother Nature recycle one T-shirt for hundreds of years! I also always buy drinks in glass bottles, which can be used several times or aluminum cans and tetra-packs which are both easy to recycle. We also have an electric stove plate which is far more ecological than gas cooker. Unfortunately, saving the planet is unreal at the present point in time. We too long have been spoiling it and it is very horrible to realize that in a couple of years we are going to be erasedby severe climatic apocalypse. And it’s really inevitable for everyone to understand it and try to stop this parasitizing in order to secure our future, and the future of our children. Simple, and at first sight, insignificant things have brought us to the great crisis, and the same simple things may save us. Is not it easy to plug your sink while washing the dishes or to use energy saving bulbs, energy saving fuel and washing machines? It is. Is there so much economy in buying plastic bottles, which need hundreds of years to decompose? No, there is not. So I will  do everything I can to save the planet! And how about you?

The Adoration of Jenna Fox- Summaries

The The Adoration of Jenna Fox By: Mary E. Pearson Pages 1-50 Jenna Fox has just woken up from a coma after an accident she wasn’t supposed to survive and doesn’t remember a thing about her life. She is slowly starting to adjust to her new surroundings and learning small things she knows she should already know how to do. Her mother suggests that she what the discs her parents had been making since she was a baby. Jenna watches the disk and is vaguely reminded somewhat of her childhood. When Jenna explores her house she lives in she is curious as to why it is so empty and unlived in.One day when her mother goes to town and her grandmother, Lily goes to her greenhouse to avoid contact with her, Jenna sneaks out the front door and goes for a walk. On her adventure, she meets Mr. Clayton Bender, and makes friends with him. On her way back, Jenna cuts herself, which frightens her mother very much. Jenna all of a sudden has a memory of a trip to the beach with Lily that happ ened almost 15 years ago, an impossible thought but a memory none the less. After that Jenna starts remembering small things like her best friends and the T in Boston.She learns of her father’s latest invention, Bio Gel. The gel can make organ last indefinitely instead of having a limited shelf life. When Lily takes Jenna to a mission, she gets a sudden urge to get back in school to pick up where she left off. Everyone thinks it is an outrageous thought but her mother soon gives in and allows her to go to a small charter instead of a widely populated school where she could be put in a dangerous situation. Pages 51-100 Jenna is now determined to take control of her life back. On her way to Mr. Bender’s house, Jenna meets the boy he warned her about, Dane.This boy that lives at the end of her street seems to be very curious. At Mr. Bender’s House, Jenna is forced to turn away his hospitality towards her because of her special diet. After he told her he did researc h she did research on him as well. She learned that he was keeping a very big secret about his identity. When he confessed to her she felt they were better friends because of the secrets they shared. Jenna continues to watch her home movies and sparks a few of her lost memories. She remembers that she loved hot chocolate but her mother and grandmother get angry with her for disobeying her diet.She wants to pick up where she left off in school so she asks permission to start school again. Her mother allows her to attend a small charter that has a flexible schedule and a smaller class size. The first day she meets her few classmates and recognizes Dane. A boy named Ethan leads a discussion on Walden. When he makes an error, she corrects him, surprising him and her also. She is shocked again when Ethan invites her to join their group for lunch. At lunch Jenna gets a chance to meet the rest of her few classmates. Allys is the only other girl other than Rae, their teacher, and is the fir st to open up.Since everyone at the charter has a special reason for attending, Allys shares that her’s was a fatal disease that cause her to lose her limbs. Now she has prosthetics and is also the first person to tell Jenna they like her. Jenna opens up a little more about her condition. She also starts to grow a liking for Ethan as well. Lily and Claire get in an argument about Jenna’s social relationships. Jenna continues watching the discs and learning past details she’d forgotten. She starts working with Ethan at the mission until she finds a community service project of her own. She grows a closer bond with him and becomes fascinated with him.Allys expresses her feelings about FSEB and ethics problems unknowing that Jenna’s dad, founder of FoxBiosystems and creator of Bio Gel. Pages 100-150 Jenna explores the downstairs of the Cotswold and finds interest in Claire and Lily’s rooms. In Claire’s room she finds a locked door and has a nat ural instinct to look under the mattress and finds the key. Before she gets a chance to open it she is called away by someone at the door. Ethan visits her and they talk which slowly leads to them sharing a passionate kiss. Because Lily got upset with Jenna after the kiss, Jenna rebels and pours mustard into her nutrients before Lily can stop her.Jenna watches the last disc in her box and it shows Claire and Jenna having a fight about Jenna’s ballerina career. Jenna is determined to find out what is behind the closet doors. She pretends to go for a walk but sneaks into the closet instead. Inside she finds three boxes one with her full name on it. Trying to get it loose she cuts her wrist on an edge. Worried about what her mother will do she hurries to her bathroom to look at the gash. When Jenna falls down the stairs from being too dizzy, Claire discovers the cut. Now her parents are forced to tell her why there is hardly any blood coming from her wrist.They explain that she was terribly burned in the accident and something had to be done fast or she wouldn’t have made it. Her father informs her that her entire body is made up of Bio Gel. The only thing original in her is 10% of her brain. Jenna has a really hard time understanding the situation and believing that she is a real human being. She asks why they relocated and her father tells her that where they live now has a consistent temperature that will help her shelf life. She also learns the second reason for their location is Jenna being illegal with Bio Gel making up the substance of her body.Lily and Jenna have a conversation about why Lily acts so different towards Jenna. Her answer is that she let go of her granddaughter eighteen months ago and now has her in a different form. At school, Jenna is more unsocial than ever before. She is still trying to figure out what she is and what she needs to do next. Pages 151-200 Lily talks to Jenna about things she feels Jenna should know. She infor ms Jenna that before the accident she didn’t go to her room when Claire told her to; now she naturally goes without hesitation.Jenna is upset about the information but wants to prove it for herself. She waits until her father and mother chat on the Netbook and puts on a flipping plates show for them. When Claire furiously tells Jenna to go to her room, Jenna resists the urge. Her father and mother explain that they uploaded things into her when they were working on her scans. They were afraid she’d be so behind in school they uploaded the 10th through 12th grade curriculum. Jenna meets Ethan at the mission where he shares his dark secret that has burdened him.She trusts him enough to share the information she has just received. He doesn’t leave her but instead assures her she is going to get through it but warns her not to tell Allys because of her ethical standards. For a bacteria lesson, the group goes to a river scene. During her lesson, she starts talking ab out the FSEB which sparks something in Jenna. They get into a heated discussion that doesn’t end the best way. When Jenna visits Mr. Bender, she learns that someone broke into his garage but took nothing. She feels like she remembers seeing his car before but doesn’t know where from.She asks if she could use his netbook to do some research. The research is on her accident. She learns that Kara Manning and Locke Jenkins died after that accident and she would have been trialed if her condition wasn’t as deadly and severe. Jenna talks to her parents about them being dead and they said they didn’t want to push her with that information. Her mother is redecorating her so she asked for red drapes instead of the only color in her wardrobe, blue. She remembers getting the red skirt with Kara and goes on a rampage for it through the entire house.Lily shares with Jenna the escape plan if anyone from the government were to show up asking questions. When her mom goes to pick up her dad, Jenna goes to the closet. This time she discovers that the other two computers have Kara and Locke’s names on them. This sends Jenna over the edge. She runs into the forest and just lays there. Pages 201-265 Jenna gets mad at her parents for all the secrets they kept from her including the boxes. They told her they were backups in case something was to happen they would have all the blueprints and information needed to reboot her.They share the risks and complications of her situation. When she asks where Kara and Locke were they tell her that after their parents thought she was the one that caused them to get hurt they wouldn’t let the doctors in to prep everything. They both died before they could do anything. In class, they watched a long speech having to do with the FSEB. They have made many bad medical changes that negatively affected a lot of sick and injured people and the new medical act will take all control from them. Allys realized that Jenna is the daughter of Matthew Fox who she highly dislikes for his work with Bio Gel.After Mr. Bender somewhat saves Jenna from a sneak attack in the forest they go off and talk. Jenna admits she knows his name is Edward and he is her dad’s friend who set up the house and helps get her out of the country to Italy where the temperature is consistent. Jenna remembers the accident. She wasn’t driving, Kara was. But no one but the backups and she will ever know that. Jenna finds the real last disc and sees that she was under so much pressure to be perfect. At the beach, Jenna finally admits that she is tired of being on a pedestal and having so many expectations.When they get home there is a strange man there who is talking to Jenna’s father about moving the backups to a safer location. Ethan and Jenna go visit Allys who has Lupus which is causing her body to fail. They stay and talk to her for a while. Jenna confesses to her that she is really Matthew Fox’ s daughter. On the way back Ethan doesn’t want Jenna to get caught by the government and offers to take her anywhere. Lily and Jenna devise a plan to get rid of the backups. When they do, her parents are furious and tell Jenna those backups could have saved her. Jenna just wants to live her life without having a backup if she messes up.She wants to be normal more than anything. Allys’ parents visit Jenna’s parents and ask if they can help fix Allys up like they did with Jenna. The next part takes place 260 years later. Allys and Jenna live in Mr. Bender’s house. Everyone they know has past but they’re still there. They have traveled around the world speaking to people just like them. The laws of medicine have changed so much. Jenna has a daughter who she will eventually have to leave because no parent should outlive their child. The Bio Gel has been modified to make sure no one lives beyond an acceptable and appropriate time.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Nursing theories in clinical practice using theorists models Term Paper

Nursing theories in clinical practice using theorists models - Term Paper Example The Roy Adaption model was first published in 1970. This model presents a human being as a holistic adaptive system in constant interaction with both external and internal environment. The major work of the human system is to maintain integrity in the eye of environmental stimuli and whereas the objective of nursing is to foster successful development. This model focuses on the responses of the human adaptive system; this may be individual or a group to a dynamic environment. Adaptation is the main feature of the model. Here Problems in adaptation come when the adaptive system not capable of coping with or respond to the dynamic stimuli from the external and internal environments in a way that maintains the integrity of the system (Andrews & Roy, 1986). The proponent of the model was largely influenced by Harry Helson adaptation theory. it is this theory that triggered her mind to develop the model. The Roy adaption model is presently one of the major widely used frameworks in nursing practice. It is universally used in nursing. Roy also got influence from Raporpots definition of systems and concepts from Lazarus and Seyle (Roy&Roberts.1981). The proponent has also published books on the model. It fundamental to note that the philosophic beliefs and values that the model is based are that human meaning is rooted in omega point convergence of the globe, people have a mutual relationship with the world and a God figure, thinking and feeling mediate human and actions, awareness of self and environment is rooted in thinking and feeling among others. The Roy adaptation model focuses on six step nursing process. It should be noted that in relation to each of this steps or processes, the person called the nurse depends highly developed technical, interpersonal and institutive skills. This is done while assessing and initiating interventions involving approaches like anticipatory guidance, physical care, counseling and health

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

20 paragraphs relating to the Rio Grande Valley Research Paper

20 paragraphs relating to the Rio Grande Valley - Research Paper Example This paper is going to focus on some of the natural physical features in the region of Rio Grande. The earth space pictures of Rio Grande shows that there exists only one major basin in the region. This is the Piceance Basin. This basin exists in the northwestern parts of Colorado. The Piceance Basin is a geologic formation. Its formation dates back from Cambrian to Holocene periods. It is important to note that the basins in the Rio Grande have large reserves of coal and natural gas. In addition, the basins contain oil shale reserves (Phillips et al, 73). This is very critical in the economy of the region. The extraction of such natural resources is important in industrial development as well as strengthening of the economy. This is because these natural resources are good sources of energy needed in many sectors of development in the region. Forests are some of the natural features found in the earth space pictures of Rio Grande. The picture shows that there is only one large forest in Rio Grande. The forests in Rio Grande is very crucial in modifying the ecosystem of the region. The Rio Grande National Forest is important in maintaining high diversity of species in the region. The pictures of earth space science show that several flats are found within the Rio Grande. The flats are natural phenomena that have certain roles in the region. In Rio Grande, there are a total of twenty four flats. Some of these flats include Dry Lake Flats, Big Park Flats as well as Corral Park Flats among others (Phillips et al, 78). Some of these Flats are found within areas suitable for hiking, bird watching as well as other activities. The earth space pictures shows that several lakes are found in the Rio Grande region. These lakes are important sites for several economic activities. They provide water necessary for irrigation purposes. In addition, the lakes are

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Thunderbird College on global mindset Assignment

Thunderbird College on global mindset - Assignment Example Naylor (1986), Thunderbird has a unique advantage over other institutions since it focuses on producing global business leaders who can successfully manage business organizations within the global market. In addition, Lovett (1971) states that the corporate solutions and professional development opportunities that the college offers aim at facilitating the organizations and individuals with basic skill sets to thrive in the global business market. In reference to the writings by Deresky (2010), Thunderbird’s first position in the international business education sector is because of its focus on a niche that not many learning institutions have exploited, thus, enabling Thunderbird to gain a competitive advantage within the industry. Through the global mindset, Thunderbird graduates learn about business management from the global perspective and this involves learning on how to work and manage a multicultural or multinational organizations. Secondly, graduates as well as organizations learn about international accounting standards and business ethics that applicable in the international business arena. According to Hill (2010), the graduates of Thunderbird have competitive advantage in the labour market since they have skills and competency to work anywhere in the world and in all multicultural

Monday, August 26, 2019

How the civil rights movement affected Greensboro NC Research Paper

How the civil rights movement affected Greensboro NC - Research Paper Example The extent of the segregation was very significant that it was even evidenced among the dead with the bodies of the whites and those of blacks required to be buried on different cemeteries (Greene 43). These laws humiliated the African Americans and they started the path to rejecting the laws in the 1930s although the impact was minimal until the nineteen 1960 when the protests and Civil Rights movements became a national issue. In 1960, a series of events were evidenced in North Carolina that played a significant role towards the beginning of Civil Rights Movement with the events gaining national recognition. These events include the Greensboro Sit-in as well as Ku Klux Klan Versus Communist Workers Party in 1979 among others. Other groups that played a significant role towards Civil Rights Movements in North Carolina include the HBCU evidenced in A&T and Bennet proving vital in the struggle of integration throughout the region. Before embarking on the one of the events that occurred in North Carolina to spark the Civil Rights Movement in the region, it is important to note that those events received sponsorships from various organizations. The sponsorships ensured the activities of the civil rights movements remained energize and effectively organized while also remaining focused (Greene 129). These groups includes The Congress Racial Equality that is associated with sponsoring Freedom Rides through 1961together with black as well as white bus riders in Greyhounds and Trailways buses who challenged segregation among others. Inspiration was also drawn from civil rights leaders among them Doctor Martin Luther King JR who advocated for non-violent as well as peaceful protests. The first major event during the year 1960 refers to the Greensboro Sit-ins that played a significant role in provoking all sorts of emotions across the nation as they received national wide focus and remain a significant part of the American civil

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Nursing Practice Act Requirements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Nursing Practice Act Requirements - Essay Example On joining the profession, Nurses should perform their duties with due diligence and care. Every action of a nurse should point to the well being of a patient. For instance, a nurse may deceive patients about improvement of their health to avoid unnecessary fear.A code of ethics guides the nurses to act professionally, honestly, and with integrity. This calls for a nurse to be knowledgeable of their work, compassionate, flexible, patient centred, have people skills, and think critically. Unlike in the nursing profession where every nurse owes a duty of care to patients entrusted to them, celebrities do not owe a duty of care to their fans. They give their views in songs, poems, and speeches and expect their fans to make good judgements and pick what concerns them. Most of celebrity’s profession have no code of ethics and thus they operate on good morals.In conclusion, even after due care is taken in selecting persons to join nursing profession where proper education is given, some nurses still practise in the dark side. According to Attewill and Snow as quoted in Medsurg journal, there is need to acknowledge that incompetent nurses continue to practise, avoidance, and intentional acts against patient still take place, which calls for the need for further study (Wolf, 2012). the entry into nursing is the first filter of characters that join this profession. After entry by academic qualification, assessing personal characteristics of applicants to eliminate unsuitable applicants is necessary.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Living Environment in Kalahari Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Living Environment in Kalahari - Essay Example Measures to diverge these conditions have become futile. Despite many global environmental bodies that are mandated with environmental protection being set, little is being done due to lack of good will from different countries from the globe. Many meetings e.g. Kyoto have been convened in an effort to look for a solution to the crisis, but little has been achieved as developed countries have failed to sign the protocol which would bind the countries to contribute in environmental protection (Valsson, 2006). Some of the adverse effect of environmental pollution has been highlighted in the book, cry in the Kalahari. The author emphasizes on the problems that the animals go through in the wilderness. He wrote that they lacked basic needs making them make use of the little water that they get e.g. water from the bowls that the writer forgot outside the tent. This indicates the human ignorance when building empires while ignoring other living organisms which also depend on the environmen t (Owens & Cordelia, 1992 p.4). The chapter also emphasizes on the neglect by the developed countries to help in environmental conservation measures despite playing a great role in environmental pollution. ... This has increased demand for land. The land that was previously used by animals as their habitat has been transformed into human living areas. This has starved thousands of wild animals as feeding areas have reduced tremendously (Owens & Cordelia, 1992). Desert conditions have become very extreme with the living conditions become so unbearable. People living in these areas have been left vulnerable unable to afford even the basic needs. It has become hard for them to grow food crops as the environmental conditions have become harsh (Haluzan 2010). Environmental conditions in the arctic regions have also changed. The temperature levels have increased with 0.7 degree centigrade. This has led to smelting of the snow making the environment unfavorable for animals living in these areas. Furthermore, the vegetation which are adapted to cold conditions, have also been affected. Aquatic organisms have also been affected with a majority of them dying as a result of increased temperature leve ls of the water (Haluzan 2010). Changes in biodiversity Biodiversity plays a great role in protecting the lives of people, increasing food security, health and even resilience. There have been great changes in biodiversity especially in the northern countries. The changes in biodiversity are expected to continue increasing with the level of temperature increasing in the world. The growing vegetation both in the desert and the arctic regions are affected directly by changes in climatic conditions. According to the scientific information, the lichens and mosses population levels are expected to decrease. These act as food for reindeer therefore; their population is also expected to decrease (David & Paul, 1992, p. 16). On the other hand, the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Ancient Greek Ceramics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ancient Greek Ceramics - Essay Example The decorations in the so-called marine style, has the dynamic vitality typical of Minoan art. The popularity of the octopus as a decorative motif on Minoan ware can hardly be divorced from the role of the octopus in the Minoan diet and economy. But did it have another purpose Octopus are traditionally caught by lowering a ceramic vessel into the water which the octopus is likely to enter and remain in as a safe lair (Bush and Brewer). Although this jar has too narrow a neck for that purpose, one wonders if the motif did not originate on jars made for just such fishing, the image perhaps as a sort of magic charm. In the Mycenaean period between about 1450 and 1100 BC, the Minoan world came to be dominated by Greek speaking invaders who, however, did not make major changes in the society of Greece as reflected in its physical remains. The pottery of mainland Greece in this period is generally called by archaeologists late Helladic III. Many Mycenaean ceramic pieces imitate the style of Minoan pottery, though usually with an inferior and derivative execution. Others, such as the chariot krater (vessel for mixing wine and water) now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York (), have much more in common with later geometric vases and show the beginning of that tradition. This piece, though manufactured in the Argolid (i.e. near Tiryns, Mycenae, Argos, or Corinth) was discovered in a tomb in Cyrus. It uses a light color of clay marked with a dark brown slip. The rendering in relatively crude but shows a definite figurative scene of two chariots being driven (the context, such as a race, or in combat, or just a pairing for symmetry, cannot be determined). But elements like spots used to decorate the figures' clothing, as well as the ox skin that covers the body of the chariot, and the crosshatching on the horses' harness, is becoming abstract. Moreover, a great deal of the otherwise empty surface of the case is taken up with geometric designs completely unrelated to the realistic depiction of space and beginning to serve as abstract geometric representation. In the Geometric period between about 1100 and 800 BC, Greek culture was disrupted by further waves of invaders and every urban center in Greece was destroyed by warfare. Greek culture became illiterate and isolated both from the larger Mediterranean world and within itself as trade and contact between isolated settlements declined. The period is called Geometric because of the abstract, regular character of its decorative arts. No exception among thework of this era is the terracotta centaur from Lekfandi on Euboea (Thomas 1999, 99-100). It shares the geometric decorations of contemporary ceramic vessels. At 36 centimeters high, this is the largest surviving Geometric sculpture. From the point of view of sculpture, the execution is somewhat cartoonish, which features that suggest rather than copy the proportions of the human face and equine body. The painted decoration departs from that of both earlier and later Greek polychroming of sculpture as well as pottery decoration in not r elating in any discernable way to features like the musculature or hair of the centaur (certainly not any form of clothing), but in showing abstract patterning that is meant to add to the decorative value of the piece rather than realistically

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Business modelling for decision makers Coursework

Business modelling for decision makers - Coursework Example This is dependent on the arrival time of each of the vehicles as well as the wait time that is expected with each one. It was assumed that each of the cars would take an average of 3 minutes in wait time to fill up the tank. The RN1 and RN2 were created with the average time which each vehicle would arrive. Since these were based on the arrival time according to random intervals, this helped to give average times of the main time when each vehicle would arrive. To determine the wait time and the average time at the pump, there was a basis of seeing when the first vehicle would arrive at the pump filling station. It was expected that no other car would be at the filling station at that time. If a car was at the station before the other, then the duration of waiting time was calculated with the outcome being a 3 minute time at the station and the remainder of the time being based on the amount of wait time that each vehicle had to take. This gave an average wait time for each of the ve hicles and provided insight into the vehicles that were seeking fuel at random times. The vehicles which arrived first determined the wait time for the vehicles that arrived later. For instance, if a vehicle arrived 2 minutes after a car before, then it was expected that there would be a wait time before the vehicle would fill up the gas. The advantage of the gas filling station comes with the expectations from the owner, which is that 65% arrive 4-5 minutes after the previous vehicle. This lowers the amount of wait time and allows the vehicle to be free. However, if a vehicle arrives within the 1-3 minute time frame, then there is an expected wait. If this occurs continuously then it is expected that the wait time will increase according to the number of vehicles, time spent at the pump and the wait in which the vehicle had from the previous vehicle that was filling up at the pump. This caused some of the vehicles to wait for up to 9 minutes before having the opportunity to fill up their vehicle. However, this balanced out because of the five minute intervals that were between vehicles which caused some portions of the pump to not service vehicles at a given time. The assumptions made with this particular chart were based on several factors. The first was that it would take an average of 3 minutes for each vehicle to complete what is needed. However, it was also stated that this was the average of all vehicles as stated by the owner. This fluctuation would change the wait time of all vehicles and would alter the results. It was also assumed that the vehicles arrived at the random intervals provided and would have to wait for the previous vehicles to finish filling. However, this would alter according to the speed of the last vehicle and the lining that was taking place with the vehicles. The system used within the gas station would

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (Maya Angelou) Essay Example for Free

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (Maya Angelou) Essay In I know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Maya Angelou shows us a dark side of American history and how racism and discrimination can affect people, but she also shows us the power of the human spirit in our ability to overcome negativity and succeed in spite of great difficulties in life. One of the earliest examples of race relations in the book symbolizes the major separation of opportunity for black and white children. On the second page of the book, Marguerite explains how she wished that she would â€Å"wake up in a white world, with blond hair, blue eyes, and she would shudder from the nightmare of being black. † Thus, from the beginning of the book, race relations were one of the major themes. The way that Marguerite was thinking at this point, was the same way that other young black children were thinking during this time. They were so use to the white children being praised, they felt that if they looked that way, they would be praised and have the finer things in life as well. According to Valà ©rie Baisnà © (1994), â€Å"Angelous autobiographies in the midst of literature, were written during and about the American Civil Rights movement. The American Civil Rights Movement (1955–1968) refers to the reform movements in the United States aimed at abolishing racial discrimination against African Lupton states that Caged Bird captures the vulgarity of white Southern attitudes toward African Americans. Angelou demonstrates, through her involvement with the black community of Stamps, her developing understanding of the rules for surviving in a racist society, something she is not able to articulate for many years, when she finally writes the book. Angelou also vividly presents racist characters so real one can feel their presence.† Maya Angelou’s early experiences with racism are so powerful, that in 1982, during an interview with Bill Moyers in Stamps, she is unable to cross some railroad tracks into the white part of town. Bill Moyers was an American Journalist and public commentator. Critic Pierre A. Walker (1995), characterizes Angelous book as political; he stresses that the â€Å"unity of her autobiographies serves to underscore one of Angelous central themes: the injustice of racism and how to fight it.† Walker (1995) also states that Angelous biographies’, beginning with Caged Bird, consists of a sequence of lessons about resisting racist oppression. This sequence leads Angelou, as the protagonist, from helpless rage and indignation to forms of subtle resistance, and finally to outright and active protest throughout all six of her autobiographies. Maya Angelou used all that she has been through to write her stories. Her childhood was not really a child hood because she had to accept what had happened to her and move on which caused her to grow up faster than normal. The events that took place in her life made her the strong woman that she is today. She decided not to let her situation define her, instead, she decided to define her situation. Far too many times there are individuals who allow things that happen to them tear them down and they never seem to recover, but not Maya Angelou. She was determined. During the time that this book was written, there were a lot of things going on in the country. One major event was the Civil Rights Movement. The Civil Rights Movement was a time in American History where Blacks were protesting and fighting to be able to have the same rights as a those of non-blacks. Bibliography Angelou, Maya (1969). I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. New York: Random House. Random House Inc is the worlds largest English-language general trade book publisher Baisnà ©e, Valà ©rie (1994). Gendered resistance: The autobiographies of Simone de Beauvoir, Maya Angelou, Janet Frame and Marguerite Duras. Amsterdam Walker, Pierre A. Racial protest, identity, words and form in Maya Angelous I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.. College Literature 22.3 (1995): 91+. Academic OneFile. Web. 8 Aug. 2012.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Improving Learning Through Video Games

Improving Learning Through Video Games Abstract For a long time video games have been considered harmful especially to children and teenagers because they do not give anything productive to the one who is playing. But nowadays everything has change including these stereotypes and myths about playing video games, conversely these video games now are used in different aspects of learning, to stimulate defined areas of our brain. Moreover video games are used as a rehabilitation method for persons with learning problems. The three most important fields that video games improve are the followings: First of all improve mental agility causing an increase of creativity on the subjects who play, also make them able to take decision faster and process more information with many tasks at the same time. Secondly are very useful to improve memory on students what is essential for our daily life and much more when we apply it to studies because a great memory allows us to process and keep more information. And finally reducing academic stress among students avoiding serious psychological problems like depression, anxiety and low self-esteem. Video games prove us that they are not so useless after all. And now what do you think about video games? How Can Video Games Improve Students Creativity and Learning? To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it. (Osho, n.d.).Since the creation of video games there has been a big problem, if they really are beneficial for the people who play them. Most of the population thinks that video games are harmful for the development of children and teenagers, both in social and personal ambits, making them more violent and unsociable. But everything has changed; nowadays videogames are seen like a new method to boost the IQ in different ways. Now there is a wealth of research which shows that video games can be put to educational and therapeutic uses. Since we were child games encourage us to be more creative and solve problems, is the same with video games, they have a lot of troubles that need to be solve in various situations if we want to keep playing, and this is where creativity has been involved. Furthermore make us take decisions more quickly working with many tasks at the same time without losing concentration. It is a very efficient method in rehabilitation therapies, with children who present learning problems; these video games introduce some ideas of different aspects that help to capture information in an easier form and help to solve problems of laterality and dyslexia. In the educational area are useful because they teach fast, engaging and proficient ways of learning, making studies more enjoyable to students. Moreover they improve the ability to learn and analyze visual information, help with the learning of a new language and also some video games improve reading skills. In few words, video games can improve students creativity and learning by stimulating their mental agility, improving their memory, and decreasing their stress level. Stimulating mental agility with video games Mental agility is a fundamental aspect at learning time, it helps us to analyze information faster and make us able to work with many tasks at the same time. Hand-eye coordination Firstly hand-eye coordination is defined as the use of the eyes to direct muscles towards a task, such as eating or brushing our hair. The vision system coordinates input and sends signals to muscles to make our hands move. This is one of the first aspects that we start to develop in our childhood and also is one of the most important parts of a creative learning. Is essential on children for reading and handwriting because kids also uses their visual system with hand-eye coordination, it can greatly impact their writing skills and handwriting as they use their eyes to guide, direct and control their hand movements across the page as they write letters and words. Useful videogames to improve mental agility Mental agility can be improved with different kinds of video games that also increase creativity levels among gamers. According to the article Scientist Are More Creative Than You Might Imagine (Ossola, 2014) creativity is innate in humans, but it needs to be cultivated, and is here when video games can help. Games that feature quickly moving targets that come in and out of view, include large amounts of disorder, and that requires the user to make rapid and accurate decisions. Action video games have been linked to improving attention skills, brain processing, and cognitive functions including low-level vision through high-level cognitive abilities, moreover this kind of video games are beneficial to develop creativity because they requires spontaneous actions. Video games improve students memory Memory is essential for our daily life and much more when we apply it to studies, a great memory allow us to process and keep more information. Playing video games stimulates memory Our brain as a muscle needs to be exercised to stay fit, and memory only can be enhanced by exercising it, the constantly exercising of our brain help to develop our processing capacity. Games with a little more problem solving and a few more spatially complex tasks may help train the hippocampus that is the brain area that controls the memory. How can video games be introduced in classrooms for educational purposes? We have seen that video games are useful to improve some of our brain areas but, how we can introduce those benefits to educational system? It is simple; in agreement with the video The Finland Phenomenon students need new methods to improve their performance in classrooms and throughout all their learning process. Video games can be used as a teaching material to facilitate learning among students, with funny games about different subjects, by this way they can feel involved with games but at the same time they would learn of what they are playing. In the article The Case for Disruption in Latin Americas Classrooms shows a clear example of learning through games, with the app of Duolingo Latin-American students learn different languages by gaming. Additionally brain games can be used to train students memory giving them more facilities at the time of studying; brain games are an advantageous tool to improve our memory and processing capacity. Less stress, more learning Stress is a common factor between students; it can be caused by many reasons such as too much homework with short deadlines, difficult subjects or midterms. Therefore is very common for stress to generate psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety and low self-esteem. Consequently academic stress is the cause of all these mental problems, which not allow us to use all our intellectual capacities, causing serious academic problems. If students decrease these high stress levels they would be able to give their full potential on classes. How can video can video games decrease stress levels? Playing video games can relieve stress, reduce depression, and make you feel better. Studies reveal that playing violent video games long-term make us able to adopt mental skills to handle stress, be less depressed and get less hostile during stressful tasks. This is provoked because violent games require being more patient than other kind of games. Video games are useful in cases of high rates of stress, helping gamers to have more control during stressful tasks. Conclusion Our brain like our body needs exercise to remain fit and video games are useful to train it because they potentially enhance our mental skills, giving us the possibility of be more creative at the same time that we improve our mental skills. It is vital that we continue to develop the positive potential of videogames while remaining aware of possible unintended negative effects when game content is not prosocial. At the present time, the most popular games are usually violent. Given current findings, it is reasonable to be concerned about the impact of violent games on some children and adolescents. In addition according to the video A Young Tinkerer Builds a Windmill you dont need to be a scientist or an excellent student to innovate or be creative, the only thing that you must have is the desire to succeed and learn everyday a little more. In conclusion this topic is important because can improve learning process among students in diverse forms making them more creative by stimulating different parts of their brain such as mental agility, boosting our memory and process information capacity and finally reducing stress caused by the academic pressure.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Essay --

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Hemigrapsus sanguineus Hemigrapsus sanguineus (de Haan, 1835), commonly known as the Asian shore crab, is a brachyuran crab, and is a native species along the western North Pacific coast (Brousseau et al., 2001). Its square and broad carapace has three spines on each side and there finely striated ridge exist under the eye and lateral margin. Its usual size is 30 mm wide but maximum size reported can reach up to 43.9 mm carapace width (CW) (McDermott, 1998). Its color varies from purple, red, green, orange-brown, with the presence of bands along its legs and red spots on the cheliped claws (Poore,2004). Males are characterized by the presence of distinctive fleshy, bulb-like structure at the cheliped base of the dactylus the shape of the flap on the underbelly in males is quite phallic, triangular and pointed. The females are recognized thru the roundness, wider and more oval flap of abdomen morphology. Easily opened flap of female crabs only implies that they are capable of mating. (Poore,2004). The local scope of this crab species is the region of Asia-Pacific (McDermott, 1998). It was observed that this species has penetrated parts of the Europe and North America, specifically France, Netherlands, and Croatia and is now classified to be an invasive species (McDermott, 1991). It is considered invasive because it is capable of reaching high densities and can initiate negative impacts on several small juveniles of native species (Lohrer and Whitlatch, 2002a,b). Asian shore crabs are considered as opportunistic omnivores (McDermott, 1998). They consume a varied kind of plant and animal resources in the field and also when they are in captivity. These resources would include algae, salt marsh grass, a... ...rtional relationship, which implies that the wet weight could give a length estimate of the species’ carapace. Several physico-chemical factors affect the growth and development of crustaceans. Environmental stress in coastline waters is usually caused by organic waste disposal which then results in low amount of important crustaceans harvested in fisheries and can also influence the biodiversity of decapod crabs. The physico-chemical parameters are crucial ecological factors, as they directly affect oxygen consumption, metabolism, growth, moulting, hormones and survival of crustaceans (Varadharajan D et al., 2013). The salinity is one of the main factors that alter the distribution of organisms, and this is likely to affect the decapods crab distribution and production as well. The alkaline pH was observed to be related with increased number of crab species.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Western :: Papers

Western Some stupid cowboy guy went into a dump of a town called Wisbech. The local Sheriff came up to him, "what are you doing here," he asked. "None of your business," replied the stranger calmly. "Ok, pay your tax," said the sheriff. "Go to hell!" said the Stranger, as he divedto the side drawing his Colt 45 pistol, firing only one shot towards the small town sheriff, the stranger rolled behind a barrel then ran off down a back alley behind the saloon. The bullet hit a window just next to the sheriff, shattering it. The shot automatically brought out the deputy sheriff from the sheriff's office; he appeared with a benneli 12 ball shotgun poised ready to protect his sheriff. The deputy ran over to the sheriff, "I'm too old for this crap," the sheriff said just after what seemed a never ending sigh. Days passed without any sighting of this certain stranger, but things had started to happen, things that hadn't happened previously such as bread and beer being stolen, a horse equipped with a saddle, shotgun and rounds had been stolen during the night from outside the blacksmiths. On April the 9th this stranger decided to go for a drink, he rode the stolen horse right up to the side of the saloon, jumped off and slowly walked in. He walked up to the bar sat down and shouted "service! Service." The bar tender strolled up to this man and replied. "Yes, sir and how can we help you today?" "Get me a beer," the stranger replied in a disgruntled manner. The sheriff and his deputy walked in at this point, they walked either side of this half drunk stranger, each putting their hands on each of his shoulders, he spun round grabbing the guns from both of their holsters and rolled backwards over the bar, he lifted his hat. The sheriff recognised his face but where from? "Leave me alone or else!" the tall, dark scruffy looking stranger threatened. "Or else what?

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Macbeth Blood Will Have Blood :: essays research papers

Blood will Have Blood “These deeds must not be thought / After these ways; so, it will make us mad';(II, ii, 32-33) Translation today: A guilty conscience can make a man go crazy. In the play Macbeth, this is a recurring theme throughout one of Shakespeare’s most famous tragedies. There are many different images that help contribute to this theme such as sleep/sleeplessness, water, & children, but the most significant image would probably that of blood. Throughout the story, the characters’ guilt is exposed through images of blood. This guilty conscience caused serious mistakes, which eventually led to the downfall of Macbeth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This blood imagery adds to the guilty theme because all the characters are driven to the brink of insanity when they see blood on their own hands or in other places. This can make a character react to the people surrounding him in a unnatural way, or if it is all kept inside, these feelings might make the person totally breakdown.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  “Is this a dagger which I see before me, / The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee.';(II, i, 33-34) The first image Macbeth sees is right before he kills Duncan. This image is not really there, yet it makes Macbeth worried. A second later, “and on thy blade and dudgeon gouts of blood /Which was not so before. (II,i, 46-47), there was blood on that imaginary dagger. Macbeth probably appeared very serious and very worried at this time. A dark and lonely setting helped to make Macbeth’s fears even greater. This vision was the first of many that eventually drove Macbeth’s heart to be cold and his mind to grow crazy. After the murder is committed Macbeth tries to clean himself and dispose of all evidence that might lead to any suspicions of Macbeth as the guilty party.“ Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood /Clean from my hand?';(II, ii, 59-60) The blood on his hands didn’t seem to be coming off even though it was probably already washed clean. It appeared that way to Macbeth because of his guilty conscience trying to tell him that what he did was wrong. The blood on his hands signified the blood of the highest stature, that of Duncan’s. This helped emphasize the change of power but the remnants of blood also showed that Duncan’s legacy was not completely gone and would eventually return to power.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Adolescent Period Essay

At many points in life, one can wonder if it can get any harder, but at what stage is life truly at its hardest. There four main stages in life are childhood, adolescence, maturity and old age. At what point in life can one make something spectacular of his life, or lose it all. There are times where excess amounts of stress can cause problems, or lead people to their own problems such as alcohol. Where is the stage where one can face the most stress, the most challenges and still be undergoing many physical changes at the same time? Adolescence is considered by many to be the most fun years of our lives, yet it is also the time where we can face to most stress and our decisions during this time can affect us for the rest of our lives. One of the toughest things about adolescence is the pressure one may face during this crucial stage of life. The pressure to succeed may come in many different forms, or even many different people. One could pressure themselves to do get straight A’s in school, or their own family could be the culprits of the excess pressure. See more: Homelessness as a social problem Essay While a little bit of pressure may be good, too much of it can cause stress on teenagers that are already stressed out from all of the changes they have to face. There was a parent who tried to strangle his son’s hockey coach because his son wasn’t getting enough ice time. What is a thirteen year old kid supposed to do at their next practice? Even if a teenager is succeeding at a high level in sports, they may only be doing it to please their parents. Many teenagers do things that they do not appreciate just to please their parents because they feel pressured to do so. All this excess pressure can cause someone to be stressed out. This stress can cause one to not live up to their own expectations, never mind their parents own expectations of them. This is the stage where you have the potential to live up to your own expectations, or ruin your own goals. There are many challenges one can face as they go through high school. One can fail to achieve the marks necessary to move on to the post-secondary college they want for themselves. Your pathway may be derailed by factors such as drugs or alcohol. Almost all teenage kids get faced with peer pressure to fit in and have a drink or smoke a joint, but these are things that can affect your future. If one gets addicted to drugs, they will have a steep mountain to climb to get to where they want to be. Within the few short years of adolescence, one can exceed their own expectations or set themselves up for failure in the future. One of the most difficult parts of adolescence is when one wants to be treated like an adult, but they get no respect from their parents. Some parents act as if their teenage kids are inferior to them, and treat them as if they are children. The teenagers think of themselves as adults who are equal to their parents, so when those parents treat them like children, they act out. The teenagers want more control in their life, even if they are not ready to handle that load. One of the biggest arguments might be about curfews. Parents want their child to be safe, but the teenager wants to do what they want even if it is not the best thing ever. This can often cause rifts between the parents and their teenager, which is another reason for stress during â€Å"the best years of our lives† All of the excess stress that is placed upon one person during this crucial time during adolescence makes teenagers deal with much more than they are capable with. The decisions we make can affect us for years to come, even if we do not think they will. Teenagers are expected to achieve high marks, compete in sports and sometimes work a job on top of that. This causes boatloads of stress on one person, and they are not ready for it. Sometimes ones only goal in high school is to fit in, so one will do anything even if it is harmful to their future. If one does not fit in, they may face challenges such as suicide or drugs, but they will not ask for help from their family. The biggest reason adolescence is the hardest stage in life is because of the sheer amount of change one faces as they transition between childhood and maturity.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Television Impact On On Presidential Elections

I do believe that television has had a positive impact on presidential elections. In modern times there is a need for television for these types of events. The authors mentioned agreed with the fact that television has had a positive impact on presidential elections. One source, Source D, is a chart of the ratings for presidential debates. I believe that television has had a positive impact on presidential elections because the world has changed in recent years, the people have changed, there is a trust in the people who are on television, and there is a more honest aspect when someone sees it themselves.I believe that television has been a positive impact for presidential elections because the world has changed into more modern times. Most people will agree that people today use technology for almost everything, presidential elections are no different. Watching a debate on television rather than over the radio has more of an impact in the fact that watching someone delivering a spee ch is much different than simply hearing it. When you can see a person and their actions, you can have a better understanding on whether or not that person is trustworthy.Because of this, there is a more honest aspect when you can observe who is giving a speech over just hearing it or hearing other people talk about it. This is positive because you can make better judgments about a person when you see them rather than just hearing them. Television has also had a positive impact on presidential elections because the people themselves have changed. In his article, â€Å"Has Television Reshaped Politics? † Source A states, â€Å"The people have once more become the nation, as they have not been since the days when we were small enough each to know his elected representative.As we grew, we lost this feeling of direct contact—television has now restored it. † (Campbell) The United States have grown exponentially in numbers since its beginning, and because of this one cannot truly know what came from where when it comes to these issues. The United States has grown too big in numbers to not have the technology like television to educate and allow the people to see these debates first hand. This is positive because there are too many people to not have this technology to help. The people also put their trust in people that have power.In his article, â€Å"Channels of Power: The Impact of Television on American Politics,† Source E states, â€Å"Johnson was a great believer in public opinion polls, and he knew that a recent poll had shown that the American people trusted Walter Cronkite more than any other American to â€Å"tell it the way it is. † (Ranney) Because of this, the American people placed their trust in the hands on Cronkite. They trusted him more than they did their president, and because of that President Johnson made the decision to get out of Vietnam and not run for another term as President.President Johnson knew that the American people would listen to Cronkite more than they would him. This made television positive because they could see for a fact what Cronkite had to say. The chart in Source D shows the television ratings for presidential debates. The ratings have had an overall decline as the years go on. This is because the people tend to change, and the technology is not advanced enough yet for them to be satisfied.As in the above argument, where they needed to see the candidates in order to truly have a grip on what they are saying, they now need a newer way to view the candidates in the debates for the people to have a better understanding of them. This is positive because the human race is never truly satisfied and will keep on wanting a better understanding of the things that are important to them. In conclusion, television has had a positive impact on presidential elections. It is positive because the people can make better judgments about a person when they watch them, rather than m erely hearing them.It is also positive because the population of the United States is too immense for word to get around, the people cannot afford to not have this type of technology. Another reason why it is positive is because the people generally tend to put their trust in people in power, in order to see for a fact what is true. Finally, television is positive for presidential elections because the people will keep craving for more ways to have a better understanding of the people they are voting for.

Atlantic Slave Trade: Social and Cultural Impact on the Society Essay

In The Atlantic Slave Trade Herbert Klein attempts to go into great detail of the inner workings of the slave trade: how it came to be, the parties involved, as well as the social and cultural impacts it had on the society. When thinking of the slave trade previous to this class, I would think to myself how low we as a humanity once became, and how many of African Americans were exploited to this awful set of events. After reading the book, those same thoughts still remained, however, due to Klein my understanding of the knowledge gave me greater insight into how complex the slave trade really was. How Portugal was one of the leaders in the slave trade, how countries turned against each other, and how much of the world was involved in this horrific set of events were all news to me while reading. Because of this complexity, no matter how clear the author was, the multitudes of information seemed to overwhelm me through my reading. Herbert Klein organized the book in a way that made all the information very precise, however, with all the numerical data I had a hard time keeping track. â€Å"The Chesapeake became the primary tobacco producer for the world, exporting 38 million pounds by 1700 †¦ holding some 145,000 slaves by 1750 †¦ absorbed 40,000 slaves by midcentury. By 1790 there were an impressive 698,000 slaves†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (44). This was all in the matter of a couple of sentences, for myself I could never retain the information that was provided in the first sentence. This quote does however go into precise figures, and is actually well laid out as a whole. Without having a deep prior knowledge though, it is very difficult to follow the what’s all going on. If someone was to read this with prior knowledge of the subject, I’m sure they could weed out a lot of the information and take away more from the book. This book is definitely not for some general educated reader to pickup. It requires a decent understanding of the geography, slight prior knowledge of the subject, as well as the full interest into the subject. â€Å"The first region encountered by the Portuguese as they rounded Cape Bojador and arrived in the western Sudan just south of the Sahara, was the area called Senegambia, which took its name from the Senegal and Gambia Rivers, its two most prominent features† (60). This quote proves as an example, and a simple one at that, that one must know at least where everything is to fully gather the information that is provided in Klein’s book. Without it, one may surely get lost in the reading. Even if a specialist were to read the book, I feel that due to how compact the book is, that they may get lost while reading as well. I don’t feel as though one could read through the book just once and honestly say, â€Å"I understood the majority of the information thro ughout the book,† without getting lost somewhere in the book. Entering this project, nothing really interested me while looking at the end â€Å"Selected Sources† of each chapter. Slavery was the only thing that seemed remotely interesting, not only because it’s such a huge part of history, but also because I didn’t know much about it. I had no clue that so many countries were so directly involved in this business of sorts, that Portugal was the origin of the slave trade, and that the power’s shifted so much in this horrific tragedy that happened in the new world. The book has increased my knowledge of the events that happened during the slave trade, but not necessarily my interest. I never found myself deeply engaged in the book unfortunately, and I found that surprising. I still strongly believe that the slave trade was wrong, but I have neither gained, nor lost interest in it. The importance of the subject is made clear with all the information inside of it. I may not understand every detail as they are going through, but the way the book is organized in a way where the importance of the subject is definitely shown. The importance of the book is to show us readers what the Atlantic Slave trade was all about. The chapter titles, and the information that is reflected in each chapter really shows this. Chapter titles beginning with â€Å"Slavery in Western Development,† and ending with, â€Å"The End of the Slave Trade,† really show how the author wanted to really concentrate on the bigger picture, rather than one specific moment in the Atlantic Slave Trade. Throughout the book, I don’t believe there were any major inconsistencies. I actually felt that Klein went deeper, and was most precise in his book. â€Å"If the slave trade was profitable and the Africans were put to productive use in the Americas, then why did Europeans begin to attack the trade at the end of the eighteenth century and systemically terminate the participation of every European metropolis and American colony or republic in the nineteenth century?† (188). Klein frequently used this strategy of posing a question at the beginning of the chapter, and then answering the same question throughout the rest of the chapter. Using this strategy, any inconsistencies were very infrequent, if none at all. All in all, there wouldn’t be anything in the book that I would need explained more, the author presented the question himself, and provided enough information where I felt he answered the question, and more. Because of how tough this book was to read for myself I probably wouldn’t recommend it to someone who wanted to just read a book. If someone was interested in learning the intricacies, and the numerical data that came along with the Atlantic Slave Trade I would definitely recommend this one. It’s just one of those books that if you don’t have the want, or motivation to read it, then it won’t be enjoyable, and you’ll likely become lost in the plethora of information the book presents.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Critical Analysis of the Artful Dodger in Dickens’ Oliver Twist Essay

Write a Critical Analysis of the Character of the Artful Dodger in Dickens’ Oliver Twist. Would You Describe the Dodger Only as a Victim of Circumstances? Jack Dawkins, also known as the Artful Dodger, is one of the most interesting and memorable characters in Dickens’ Oliver Twist. He is reckless and very good at pickpocketing. He is denied the opportunity of choosing his own way of life and is fated to become a criminal. Jack has been a victim of circumstances all his life. The first thing that strikes us when meeting the Dodger in Chapter 8 of Oliver Twist is the way he looks and acts. We see a boy, who appears and behaves like a full-grown man. The Dodger is a child, who wears a â€Å"man’s coat† and â€Å"corduroy trousers† and has a big hat on his head, as Dickens describes him. He is dressed like a young gentleman, looking rather funny with his â€Å"half-way turned sleeves†, but his manners is the thing that lures our attention even more. Not only is Jack Dawkins dressed like a man, but his attitude is like a full grown up as well. He walks and talks like a gentleman and we can distinguish him as a child only by his size. Apparently the way he has been treated by society or the way of life he had to lead influenced his manners. The Artful Dodger is a pickpocket, he is very good at it and he enjoys it. We see in the novel, after he takes Oliver to his home, that he has been trained by Fagin for a long time and lives with him and some other thieves. Read Also:  Critical Thinking Essay Examples Jack lives with some other kids, who are also thieves, and their leader Fagin. The place they live in is dark, old and filthy; â€Å"the walls and the ceiling were perfectly black with age and dirt†. It is not the kind of place children are suppose to grow up in, but the Dodger did live a great deal of his life there. He is the most skilled in the group of little thieves and is their leader and his attitude towards them and Fagin is respectful and friendly. Jack makes his living by stealing. He has been trained by Fagin from an early age and he is very good at it. Fagin had sheltered the Dodger when he was younger and vulnerable and trained him to be a thief, teaching him a bad way of living and so, depriving him the opportunity of his own choice of building a future. The circumstances of being an orphan led him to be apprenticed by the old thief, Fagin, thus becoming a thief himself and starting to enjoy it, which eventually leads to him get caught and put on trial. In the end of the novel the Artful Dodger gets caught by the authorities and is under trial for theft. He is caught trying to pick a pocket and they found a snuff-box in him, which is his and which he carries with all the time. Eventually he is send to court where he acts in a derisively and impertinently manner considering himself as a victim, shouting â€Å"I am an Englishman; where are my rights?† Apparently he must make fun of the jury, thus making a kind of â€Å"glorious reputation† among the thieves community. Eventually the judge grows eager and expels him from the court as soon as the sentence signed. Jack didn’t dodge this situation and gets send to penal colony in Australia. The Artful Dodger is treated as a criminal and a grown up all his life and he is very well adjusted to that. He is not the kid he is supposed to be and that makes him a victim of society – the victim of many circumstances that can fall on an orphan and deprive it of its childhood.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Jewish Temple Sections

Sections of the Jewish TempleMrs. McCurdy Mostly From Icons, p. 10-11 The Outer Court is also known as the Court of Gentiles Gentiles or non-Jews were not allowed beyond this court. Traders could be found here selling birds and animals to be used for sacrifices. It was also a place to change Roman money into Temple money (money-changers). [When Jesus got angry with these people and threw them out of â€Å"His Father’s House† he did this because they were giving the people a very poor exchange rate, and so were make lots of money at their expense, after all, they had to buy the sacrifices with Temple money! The Court of Women Women and children were not allowed to beyond this area. It was a favourite meeting place for families when they came to Jerusalem on pilgrimage. [This was probably where Mary would have been looking for Jesus when he was 12 years old. ] The Court of Israelites Only Jewish men were allowed to enter here. They would see the altar of sacrifice and the offers being made to God. At the time of Jesus, animal sacrifices were an important part Temple worship. The Court of Priests This was exclusively reserved for priests. In this area was the altar on which the birds and animals were sacrificed. Only domestic animals would be sacrificed. This included pigeons and doves, the offerings of poor people. The Holy of Holies This was the innermost and most sacred part of the Tempe. A large veil covered its entrance. Only the high priest was allowed to enter, and he only went in once a year, on the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur. He offered sacrifices and asked God’s forgiveness in the name of all the people. On this day only he spoke aloud, in full, the name of God. [You will learn much later from the Gospel of Jesus’ trial that during this trial, before the High Priest, when asked, Jesus said he was the Son of the â€Å"Blessed One†. The Jewish authorities were then able to accuse Jesus of blasphem, because only the High Priest was allowed to speak out aloud the name of God, so under Jewish law, Jesus was committing a grave sin. ] This day marked a new start, a renewal of faithfulness to the laws of God.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

State of the UK construction industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

State of the UK construction industry - Essay Example These changes in growth of the construction industry in United Kingdom point to long term stagnation and possible shrinking of the industry. While the global financial crisis has been blamed far and wide for these drops in performance across many industries but it must be realised that industrial shortcomings have also contributed to these changes. The current situation is unlike but comparable to stagnation in the construction industry in the past. The previous periods of stagnation and negative growth in the construction industry required government impetus to crawl out of their problems. However, this time around governmental support seems to be unlikely to drive growth in the construction industry. The government has already announced a 20% cut in the capital expenditure over a period of four years but this has failed to attract the attention of the private sector. In turn this has exacerbated the situation on ground. The structural gaps in the construction industry in the United Kingdom need to be looked into in order to find workable solutions. This must be explored in a historical perspective as well in order to discern the previous attempts at resolving issues. These could be taken as guidelines in order to see how the construction industry in United Kingdom is expected to perform in the future. ... A number of different governments in the United Kingdom undertook various forms of studies in order to improve the state of the construction industry and its practices. Various institutional reports have also highlighted the need for change in order to improve the state of the construction industry. Overall the concerns exhibited both by institutional reports and government surveys have remained the same. Such investigations have often blamed building projects for possessing more problems than other areas. Consequently the focus of improvements has also been the building construction sector. Generally the performance of different building construction projects is targeted using indicators such as cost, time and quality. While these indicators may serve to highlight the performance of smaller projects but these indicators cannot be considered as a holistic solution for all kinds of construction projects. As mentioned before, a number of reports were construed to deal with the problems in the construction industry. The earliest of these reports can be traced back to the 1960’s but no report was able to garner industry and government support enough to warrant change (Ward & Crane, 2003). This trend of non recognition and resistance to change was changed by the investigation conducted by the Latham Report. Unlike previous findings on this issue, the Latham Report was able to garner governmental support for change. The Latham Report (1994) Sir Michael Latham was asked by the government of United Kingdom and relevant construction industry organisations to look into industrial practices for procurement and contracting. Latham was given the task of looking into

Monday, August 12, 2019

Iclude 2 in-text citations and place the reference on the reference Essay

Iclude 2 in-text citations and place the reference on the reference page - Essay Example the company launches in the market having many variations, Samsung is confident that their customers will never run out of choices in terms of the products that will truly satisfy their needs and preferences. Samsung has a wide variety of businesses including advanced technology, semiconductors, skyscraper and plant construction, petrochemicals, fashion, medicine, finance, and hotels (Samsung, 2012). The impact of new competition on Samsung’s financial performance is more of a negative one. This is because the new competitors have only forced the company to spend more in order to produce more differentiated products and keep up with the intense competition. Unfortunately, the new competitors of Samsung especially from China have been able to establish a strong presence in the markets, which has contributed to the decline in the sales of Samsung’s products and a decline in profitability (Siegel, 2009). The negative impacts of the recent economic crisis do not help Samsung at all, as majority of the consumers have decided to spend less and save more. Thus, it is safe to say that Samsung has really become troubled by the emergence of new competitors and the threats that they continue to pose to the financial profitability of the company. A new marketing strategy that Samsung should consider in reaction to new Chinese competition is one that will highlight the excellent quality and significant value of its products. It is important for Samsung to emphasize on its marketing strategy that not one of their competitors can be able to match the superior quality and value that their products are able to provide. This should help in gaining the trust and confidence of the consumers to try Samsung products and personally experience their benefits. Aside from this, Samsung has to be willing to spend for advertisements as a form of a marketing strategy, which will help to inform the public about the superior quality and value that their products are able to provide (Grant,

Sunday, August 11, 2019

What effects does the glass ceiling have on womens career development Research Paper

What effects does the glass ceiling have on womens career development in law firms - Research Paper Example It should not be misunderstood by the reader that the glass ceiling is specific to the legal realm. Instead, a more nuanced and broad understanding of the glass ceiling within the legal field does not detract from the glass ceiling as it exists for other industries and professions; rather, it merely helps to underscore the fact that glass ceiling exists within many different professions and specialties. The gender representation within law offices around the country is recognizably skewed. Males outnumber females at a rate of nearly 10:1 in some states. This is is an interesting topic as it is indicative of a more nationwide trend and less culturally dependent and/or bound than the ways that the glass ceiling might be exhibited within other sectors of the economy (Bowling et al., 2006). Examination of such a determinant is necessary and important as it gives key insights into the broad/over-arching definitions of the glass ceiling as is evidenced through a large cross-section of our current society/government. Yet beyond merely a lack of representation within the legal field, the more pertinant issue with regards to the research topic at hand is with regards to the upward mobility that women experience within such a field (Guyot, 2008). Even a cursory level of analysis with Linda one to suspect that since females comprise such a very small percentage of the legal field, they might necessarily be promoted and experience success much the same degree as their male counterparts (Smith & Crittenden, 2012). However, an inherent bias is indicated to exist due to the fact that even though women make up less than 10% of this industry, they are overly represented within the lower positions and number of studies have indicated they are unlikely to be promoted throughout the course of their career; as compared to their male counterparts (Hoobler & Lemmon, 2009). Furthermore, the researcher denotes the existence of a

Advanced Project-Complete knowledge of Public Relations as it Relates Essay

Advanced Project-Complete knowledge of Public Relations as it Relates to Creating a PR Campaign - Essay Example This paper will explain the essentials of public relations and analyze the ingredients of effective public relations campaigns while putting more weight on television-oriented campaigns. On a professional perspective, public relations is a collection of exercises that the administration embraces to measure and assess the mentality, estimations and assumptions of the general population about the institution (Bernays 3). The readiness of an advertising arrangement is a vital piece of whoever decides courses of action, techniques, and policies regarding public interest, which the organization will abide by and implement (Wilcox 8). Public relations is used in conventional marketing to influence the buying habits of customers. Moreover, public relations is part of a comprehensive amalgam of marketing communications including sales promotion, advertising, and direct sales (Bernays 12). Effective utilization and practice of the theory of public relations results in the improvement of the organization’s public view, which often depicts an ethical and responsible company concerned with its customers’ welfare (Wilcox 3). The basic functions of public relations can be categorized into community relations, employee relations, financial relations, crisis communications, and political and government relations (Bernays 10). Any institution ought to be seen as a decent group part and ought to have the goodwill of that group in which it directs its operations. A powerful program for group relations ought to be far reaching and proceeding. Institutions can execute a scope of projects on a consistent or continuous premise meant for enhancing group relations. Subsequently, one of the center capacities of PR is to abbreviate the group-business gap (Bernays 10). At the point when institutions help projects and activities that better the life

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Broke back Mountain and Titanic Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Broke back Mountain and Titanic - Movie Review Example "A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets. But you know there was a man named Jack Dawson, and that he saved me in every way that a person can be saved. I don't even have a picture of him. He exists now only in my memory." Being one of the highest grossing romantic dramas of all time both movies sparked a lot of controversy yet people took the time to watch them at least out of curiosity for the way they were marketed. For Broke back Mountain the media critics could not agree whether its lead characters were actually Gay bisexual, heterosexual,because the movie was marketed as a "Gay Cowboy Movie.The movie involves the love affair between two cowboys who meet one summer on the same job at Brokeback Mountain and slowly their companionship turns into a sexual and emotional romantic saga .Like all great love stories the protagonists are separated by changing circumstances.However this separation is not as dramatic as Titanic which hinges on a tragedy.Titanic and Brokeback mountain have been rumoured to have similar posters,i.e. in the positive of "star crossed" lovers.However Brokeback mountain was a comparatively low budget movie and spoke of the reality.It was the silent sigh of many bisexual/Gay persons in the 1960's or even later who had not yet earned the social or legal freedom to live together as partners and the movie shows how they try to make their love survive by hiding it from social norm s.Titanic was the story of two heterosexual lovers whose love blossoms in secret during their voyage on Titanic.They face a lot of social opposition and ultimately when disaster strikes the hero dies a tragic death leaving the heroine in shock as she decides that her "heart will go on"(the theme of the popular Celine Dion song).Both movies contain powerful symbols of love.In Titanic's case it is the necklace "Heart of the Ocean" and the nude picture of Kate Winslet which Leonardo De Caprio sketches as a symbol of his love.In Brokeback Mountain it is the bloodied shirts of both lovers which have been tainted after their lovers spat which ends up in them both getting injured badly.Heath discovers their existence in the end after the heart rending death of Jake Gyllenhal ,when he goes to meet his parents. Both these movies are great as they show that love knows no boundaries of race or gender , but sometimes cannot survive societal disapproval.Both are portrayals of tragedies in a time when people were judged by their wealth and social status.Gay couples were unheard of and people rarely married out of their economic classes.The characters in these movies brave all these circumstances and still lose their soul mates to fate.Both movies leave the audience very emotionally charged and thoughtful. References 1. 2. "Titanic voted 'best' film ending", BBC News, 2003-10-15. Retrieved on 2007-06-15. 3. "Titanic sinks in worst film poll", BBC News, 2003-11-05. Retrieved on 20